spiritual navigation & intuition development

Guided Meditation: Mindfulness + Body Scan
(7 minutes)

Reflection: Readings from Chapter 7 - Discovering Your Inner Child
(7 minutes)
Excerpts from The Loving Parent Guidebook, Chapter 7, sections:
“The Effects of Having a Wounded Inner Child”
“Noticing When our Inner Child’s Pain is Driving our Actions”
Reading has been modified for personal use, i.e., this is not read verbatim.
The Loving Parent Guidebook recommends cultivating an inner loving parent before delving into inner child work.

Placeholder for Upcoming Guided Practice Recordings
Inner Child
Inner Teen
Inner Critical/Controlling Parent
Inner Loving Parent

Reflection: 4 Core Needs - Protection, Nurture, Support, Guidance
(3 minutes)
The Loving Parent Guidebook, What Core Needs Does a Loving Parent Meet? From Chapter 2: Awakening Your Loving Parent.

Guided Practice: Reparenting Checkin
(12 minutes)
The Loving Parent Guidebook “Reparenting Check-in” Guided Practice, introduced in Chapter 2: Awakening Your Loving Parent. This practice includes brief mindfulness, grounding, and inner family checkin.

Guided Practice: Safe Inner Space
(7 minutes)
The Loving Parent Guidebook meditation on "Creating a Safe Inner Space for Your Inner Family", from Chapter One (ACA/DF WSO). For my own needs, I added a few tweaks to the opening script and music to cover some background noise.

Guided Practice: Visioning
20 minutes)
This is a guided relaxation + creative visualization meditation informed by the teachings of Shakti Gawain, Michael Beckwith, and Vishen Lakhiani. The visualization practice offers options for accessing both known and unknown scenes (ie, whether you know what you want to visualize or not, it's got you covered). The visualization meditation also invites you to experience seeing what you do not want, allowing you to clear energetic resistance to imagining possibilities. In general, a more receptive less directive approach is optimal.

The video begins with a 7-minute guided mindfulness meditation + body scan for relaxation. Relaxation increases the type of brain wave activity linked to imagination, visualization, memory, learning and concentration, so it is an essential part of the process.

Jump To links:
6-minute mindfulness meditation + body scan begins here: https://youtu.be/6n0k0qggM-U?t=113
Creative visualization begins here: https://youtu.be/6n0k0qggM-U?t=502

There is nothing to watch on the YouTube screen. Once the meditation begins, close your eyes or lower the lids.